Sunday, 15 November 2015

Legion in a Day - Concluded

So our day to paint the Betrayal at Calth box set (plus other models) is over. We had hoped to complete all models today in our Legion in a Day challenge for Castiels Dark Angels. 

Unfortunately we have not completed everything but we have made a huge impact on everything. The tactical marines have been nearly concluded, the Contemptor has had some good work done to it and the rest of the models need only trim and weapons to do. A few more hours and it would have been done but working 14 hours straight has taken its toll on us all!! 

We are very pleased with our work today, regardless of the fact we have not been able to meet our legion target!! Heres a few pics of the most complete models so far:

We have thoroughly enjoyed working through the box set. Overall it works as well as its resin counterparts, in places surpassing the resin models we know so well. 

Have you enjoyed seeing our progress? What have you been able to do so far? Let us know in the comments below :)

Darko Thane


  1. Darko fell asleep paintbrush in hand. Was so funny.

    1. Made my like a boss!!

    2. Lol! That's when you know you have done as much as you can!

    3. And why is there not a picture? Lol

  2. still more than i get done in...... well, id rather not say!

  3. They look great! I really like the dark angel helms., they are some of my favorite that GW have done ( along with white scar helms which I think look badass). Way to really make the Calth box work with one legion. And good job with the black paint, looks exactly like how I picture heresy era dark Angels.

  4. They look pretty damn good for 14 straitish hours of building and painting. High five to you all.
    Research does say the sleep painting is good for models and people alike. Jk
    I got 10 tacs done, the termis, both characters and a dread done.
    Not painted though.
    Good luck in the continuation of this idea.

  5. Thanks all. Going forward we will be "Painting a Legion in a day". Where we trim and assemble our own boxes the day before etc and just paint the whole day.

    1. Looking at it, I think if you had just done the BaC box, you would have finished in time. But yeah, a good effort all round. Well done bunnies!

    2. Hi Col. The other stuff was done a week before lol. If it was all to the black stage we would have smashed it. Hopefully we can prove that on the next one :)

  6. Btw, is that Corus black on the models?

  7. Good work, guys! Your Dark Angels are looking great. Only managed to assemble a few of my new Word Bearers, but more will be coming!

    1. Oooh World Eaters and Word Bearers Matt? Really don't like the 500 worlds do u?!
      What paints are you using? I love the new FW ones.
