Friday, 30 October 2015

Forgeworld pre-orders 10-30-2015: Solar Auxilia Velataris and Alpha Legion/Imperial Fists transfers

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

The Velataris Storm section with axes is up for pre-orders:

Usually forming part of the Solar Auxilia’s Infantry Tercios, Veletaris Storm Sections also serve as the Household Retinue of commanders and Lord Marshals. When doing so they often bear ceremonial power axes which, whilst finely wrought, are suitably deadly in battle. The elite of the Solar Auxilia, who are themselves the best of the Imperial Army, they are considered second only to the Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes in combat.
Consisting of 10 models, this unit is equipped with power axes and encased in reinforced void armour.
The Veletaris Storm Section with Power Axes is a complete multi-part resin kit that makes ten models. It includes ten 25mm round bases.

We also got Alpha Legion and Imperial Fists transfer sheets:

How do you like them? Let us know!

Oh, and: We should get more transfers in the next weeks as far as i know.

Lady Atia


  1. Nice looking models and transfers. I'm seriously considering alpha legion for my new plastic force. Maybe space wolves if they are not so space Viking.

    1. Also - both Alpha Legion and Space Wolves would fit very well with the Alaxxes story line :)

    2. I've been waiting for the SW transfers o get rereleased so I can crack on with my vehicles. Hopefully they'll be here soon

  2. how many legions have the new transfer sheets with their legion banner?
    7 without counting both luna wolve, sons of horus, and emperor's children, right? We know salamanders and iron hands are getting theirs eventually but have seen any other new one? Is the current transfer sheet for the III legion the new one, or is it before these new decals arrived?

    1. Emperors Children have banners on theirs (they were the first who had them) - DG and SoH will get new ones, WE's should get them too^^

    2. I'm more interested in the fact the new transfers are thinner than the banner. The current death guard ones are terrible.

    3. BA,DA,SW,WS,TS missing theirs, then it's LW/SoH, DG, and EC ... that is right?


      Here are all of the new / rehashed transfers that have been set up. Love the new DG ones. Also really impressed with how thin they are. The EC ones are good but could be better / more detailed.
