Monday, 23 November 2015

Forge World Bulletin: Damocles Command Rhino inbound.

A tank as an HQ? Yes if you are an Ultramarine gamer. This week shows us the Danocles Command Rhino. To my knowledge only the Ultramarines can take this unit in 30k (correct me if I'm wrong as Kaelo has hogged Tempest as he drools over the Blue Legionnaires). 

Looks great though. 

Mark Bedford has also done an impressive Leviathan Dreadnought. Throne FW's Word Bearers look so much better than G-Dubbs versions. 

Drake Seta


  1. The command rhino is available to anyone. The difference is how it can be fielded for um players versus everyone else! But thank god it's finally coming!

    1. Yep, the Damocles can be taken by any Legion :)

      And uhhhhh, I think i will get a Leviathan for my Word Bearers too ...

    2. If that's the case, might be getting one for my IV Legion! Thanks for correcting me :)

    3. "0-1 may be taken in any Legiones Astartes Crusade Legion army as a non-compulsatory HQ choice in any force over 1k points"^^

  2. Looking forward to the Damocles. The WB paint scheme is so much better, the GW one is pretty awful.

  3. The Leviathan sure looks tempting when seen in WB colours

  4. I was unable to resist the lure of the leviathan. Now where did I put those corpses??
