Sunday, 22 November 2015

Weekly Progress Report 22/11

So here we are with this weeks edition of the Weekly Progress Report for the bunnies. Here we go:

Darien completed his first Justaerin, part 1 of the painting guide was posted on Friday and part 2 is coming on Tuesday. He has now set to work on another 18 Justaerin which he needs to complete by the 5th December.

I (Darko) have had a quiet week due to work commitments but I have been assisting Kaelo in trimming and assembling his impending Salamanders army.

Kaelo has started work on his Xmas party project and after changing his list 42 billion times he has started assembling his Salamanders for his 'Legion in a Day' attempt on Saturday 28th November. He is aiming to get around 1000pts done in a day and then Vulkan on the Sunday...wish him luck

King Fluff has been tackling Titans, automata and serial killers in power armour this week. He's made good progress with bits of his force and is now poised to rebase his army on to 32mm bases. Over the next week he hopes to get some armoured units built and painted however a Leviathan siege dreadnought has turned up which he'll need to resist building.

After the frantic progress of the legion in a day project progress on Castiels dark angels has slowed, though with a large amount of help from Drake the cataphractii have seen good progress and ironbreaker added to the tactical squads.

Aveinus has been continuing to make progress with Ferrus Manus this week, he has finished the base coats of silver and bronze on the model and has washed them with nuln oil. He did however get abit bored and painted Ferrus's arms and face. He struggled with the face but enjoyed painting his arms, using a base of Runefang Steel and then light washes of Nuln Oil and then Guilliman Blue Glaze, with more Runefang then applied as a highlight. Next up is starting to apply some white on one of the legs cog sections.

Drake Seta has been assembling ten Cataphractii and taking heads off of famous Ultramarines. The Terminator Praetor will find its way into his Iron Warrior force now. He is considering using him as Triarch Harkor of the 23rd Grand Battallion. We all know he wore Cataphractii Terminator plate at this point in the Great Crusade and that he was a Triarch. Drake just needs to find some text regarding what he looks like or whether he went helmed.

Tylar is back from his stint in The Warp and will assembling Battle of Calth minis over the next few days to bolster VII Legions forces. Between warp fatigue and eating. Not necessarily in that order.

So there we are. Another week down!! What do you guys think of our progress this week? Let us know in the comments below :)

Darko Thane


  1. King Fluff, you might as well sit on that shelf too. . . you are a machine! Keep it up buddy.

  2. What colours are you using for the Dark Angels?

    1. They are sprayed chaos black then airbrushed dawnstone armour trim is leadbelcher and will giving them a coat of nuln oil soon hope this helps

    2. Also I will be doing a painting guide soon so keep a look out

    3. That would be great. I love the look of the Heresy era DA.

    4. Those look great, That explains why my attempt looks nothing like yours. I was using Corax black!! Still, at least it gave me a push to get my AL underway.

  3. Are all those terminators joining your Iron Warriors, Drake, or just the praetor? Only asking 'cause I'm looking for a bit of inspiration on how best to kit out 5 for my IW.

    1. Randomise it! We strongly recommend variety in any squad. We also try to eschew spamming. Thunder hammers, Chainfists and Powerfists seem (to me) like the most siege-like! I will get Drake to reply tomorrow :)

    2. Hi. Yup. I have gone for 5 Chainfists and 5 Power Fists for the IV Legion. Have got one Heavy Flamer equipped and have a Reaper incoming.
      Generally as I have 4 Legions I didn't want to give them weapons that didn't immediately seem to be their most common Loadout. For example my Night Lords will have a lot of claws and possibly some Nostraman looking blades. Space Wolves: Claws, Hammers and axes.
      Not doing any Cataphractii for my Death Guard as I have 20 Grave Warden on the go.

    3. Very cool. After seeing this post I'm thinking Combi-weapon/sword/grenade harness for the sarge, 2x power fists, 1x chainfist and heavy flamer/chainfist, but I'm a total BaC newbie so appreciate the example and feedback. Thanks Bunnies, love the blog.

    4. Cheers Mark and thanks for commenting :)

  4. Good work all you guys, the legions are really mustering now!!!

  5. Wow, again great work of all of you!
    I especially like the progress on Ferrus, Aveinus. Fantastic job!

    1. Can't wait to see him finished either!

    2. Oh yeah, I forgot to say, the arms on Ferrus are looking good. It would be great to see some close ups and find out how you did those Aveinus

    3. Thanks guys I appreciate the good feedback :). I'll be doing a post on Thursday so while its still fresh in my head, I'll change the post to Ferrus's arms! lol
